RSSセンター - XOOPS Modules Tutorials in ReadTheDocs style

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feed XOOPS Modules Tutorials in ReadTheDocs style (2017/8/6 20:30:00)

First test to leverage XOOPS module tutorials created with Gitbook , to create a site for our tutorials in the style of "ReadTheDocs":

What do you think?

We need docs writers and translators! Can you help?

Since this was just a test, some of the links inside the tutorials might not work. With your help, we will fix it!

This was our announcement about using Gitbook as the tool for our documentation, and it's good that we can now leverage this tool to create other styles of documentation, like the ReadTheDocs style!

For the people who would like to help us:

1) We have documented the XOOPS Documentation Process, so please review it and let us know if it works for you

2) We have created a "XOOPS Docs Starter Kit" with a predefined folder and file structure, that you can use to jump-start your project

We hope that once you realize how easy it is to contribute, you'll help us to make XOOPS Documentation really shine!!!


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