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feed icon Spotlight premium theme [Commercial] (2017/9/6 0:50:00)
I am very pleased to announce you the availability of Spotlight, a highly customizable premium theme for XOOPS. Spotlight comes with a lot of features integrated: A control panel that will allows you to configure all theme features. Unlimited colors ...
feed icon XOOPS Modules Tutorials in ReadTheDocs style (2017/8/6 20:30:00) First test to leverage XOOPS module tutorials created with Gitbook , to create a site for our tutorials in the style of "ReadTheDocs": What do you think? We need docs writers and translators! Can you help? Sinc ...
feed icon XOOPS 2.5.9 Released! (2017/8/2 5:00:00)
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.9.
feed icon XOOPS 2.5.9 Release Candidate 3 Available (2017/7/26 0:50:00)
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the availability of release candidate 3 of XOOPS 2.5.9. This version includes fixes and enhancements, security updates, and PHP 7.1 compatibility.
feed icon Scratch Demo Module (2017/7/21 12:00:00)
I'm sure you've heard of Scratch, the programming language for kids, developed at MIT. Well, if you ever wanted to play some of these games from within XOOPS, or wanted to show it to your or somebody'l else kids, you have now the opportunity to do j ...
feed icon Equipment Rental with Vue.js - Proof of Concept (2017/7/21 3:20:00)
Swt02026 ( has developed a XOOPS module with Vue.js as a "proof of concept" This is definitely an interesting topic, so I've added few more features to make it easier to test. Just download from GitHub, install, and add ...
feed icon XOOPS 2.5.9 Release Candidate 2 Available (2017/7/8 18:00:00)
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the availability of release candidate 2 of XOOPS 2.5.9. This version includes fixes and enhancements, security updates, and PHP 7.1 compatibility.
feed icon Mastop_Go2 1.04 RC1 (2017/6/25 16:00:00)
Mastop_Go2 1.04 RC-1 is available for testing. Download: GitHub Fork: New in this release: test data
feed icon RandomQuote 2.12 RC-1 (2017/6/25 3:20:00)
RandomQuote 2.12 RC-1 is available for testing. Download: GitHub Fork: New in this release: test data
feed icon XOOPS 2.5.9 Release Candidate 1 Available (2017/6/6 17:00:00)
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the availability of release candidate 1 of XOOPS 2.5.9. This version includes fixes and enhancements, security updates, and PHP 7.1 compatibility.
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